those are a few of the little things, but the big thing is that
Jesus loves me.
God sent his only Son, Jesus Christ, to Earth for us. He did this because he had anticipated our broken condition, knew that our sin would separate us from his perfection, and yet still wanted to have a relationship with us. The only way for this relationship to happen was if God sent Jesus to pay for our sin - making a bridge between our sinful, ugly, unloving selves and the perfect, beautiful, unconditionally loving God. This bridge was Jesus' death on the cross and then being raised from the grave. This meant that he took the punishment and wrath of God for every single one of our past, present, and future sins and then by being raised from the grave, he conquered these sins! My sins. And yours.
This punishment is no longer mine because Jesus took every bit of it.
And God did this solely because he loves me! And guess what? God did this not only for me, but for you, too. God loves you with all His mighty, glorious power and He sent Jesus to save you.
God looks at me and sees Jesus.
My life isn't about the cupcakes I decorate, the books I read, or the amount of places I go.
It's about Jesus.